Friday, March 04, 2005

What's happening in Lebanon?

Here's an interesting read on the latest happenings in Lebanon.

It definitely makes for a fascinating reading, the whole dynamics of the situation there coupled with the Middle East. Not sure, if I am ready to believe all of it, yet.

The writer, however, does make some strong points in support of his theory. I call this a theory because there's no proof out there yet, that confirms the story. Nor do I think we will ever find it. May be, the future course of events will underline the truth.

But he definitely brings about a key point about, what benefit Syria gets by assassinating Hariri. None...zilch. And we obviously are seeing that now. The international pressure is mounting on Syria to completely withdraw all of its forces and intelligence personal from Lebanon. That's not what the Syrian's wanted.

The events also highlight the double standards that exist out there in international politics.

The west now, lead by the U.S, is using this to racket up its "Democracy Mantra". President Bush made a point about successful democracy in Lebanon, by having the Syrian's pullout. This, by the way is a very valid argument.

But isn't the same exact thing happening in Iraq. I mean American troops, intelligence still exist there, despite the fact that elections have concluded and by administration's own account, Iraq now is a free and democratic state. I am not advocating a troop's pullout, by no means, that will be disastrous for both Iraq and America. And not to mention what it will do for the terrorist who are out there to kill anyone, everyone.

I guess, every nation is trying to carve out its sphere of influence, by whatever means it takes.


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